Data is the gold of the 21st century. Cyber criminals are aware of this and try to steal as much of their victims’ electronic data as possible in their attacks.
The threat of cyberattacks is constantly increasing and IT security managers around the world are constantly facing new challenges.

Helen Gallwas
Marketing Communication Manager
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Looking back at 2023, three terms in particular stand out as having caused significant security problems: Malware, ransomware and phishing.
In this blog post, we take a look at the latest trends in cyber security, provide insights into effective protective measures and offer practical tips on how companies and individuals can improve their digital security.

Malware: the invisible threat

Malware, a collective term for malicious software, includes all programs that aim to penetrate computers and networks in order to cause damage or steal information. In 2023, the number of active malware programs reached the staggering figure of one billion. The most common forms include viruses, worms, Trojans and spyware. A particularly devastating example is the WannaCry attack, which caused billions of dollars in damage worldwide. Malware can infiltrate systems through a variety of routes, be it via infected email attachments, compromised websites or USB drives. Companies need to take proactive measures, such as implementing anti-virus software, regular system updates and training for employees, to minimize the risk. Continuous monitoring of networks and rapid response to suspicious activity are also crucial in defending against malware attacks.

Ransomware: Hostage in your own system

Ransomware is a specific type of malware that aims to block access to data or entire systems until a ransom is paid. These attacks have been on the rise in recent years, and 2023 was no exception. Prominent examples such as the attack on the Colonial Pipeline in the US show the serious impact of ransomware attacks. Cybercriminals encrypt their victims’ data and demand large sums of money, often in cryptocurrencies, in exchange for the decryption keys. It is essential for companies to regularly back up their data and store it securely so that they can react quickly in the event of an emergency. In addition, security guidelines and emergency plans should be developed in order to remain capable of acting in the event of an attack. Training employees to deal with suspicious emails and implementing advanced security systems can help to reduce the risk of a ransomware attack.

Phishing: Deception with dangerous consequences

Phishing is one of the oldest and most effective methods of obtaining confidential information such as passwords or credit card details. Cyber criminals use fake emails, websites or messages that imitate legitimate sources to trick their victims into disclosing sensitive data. Spear phishing attacks, which target individuals or companies and often appear very credible, are particularly perfidious. Phishing attacks have continued to increase in 2023, particularly due to the increasing use of remote working and digital communication tools. Companies should therefore offer comprehensive training to educate their employees about the dangers and detection features of phishing attacks. Technical measures such as two-factor authentication and advanced spam filters can also help to ward off phishing attempts.

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Protective measures and prevention: How you can protect your data

The best defense against cyberattacks is a strong security strategy. Companies should build a layered defense that integrates various security solutions. These include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, regular security checks and continuous software updates.

Another important aspect is raising employee awareness of cyber security issues. Training and workshops can raise awareness of threats and provide practical tips on how to avoid security breaches. In addition, every company should have an emergency plan in place in the event of a cyberattack, with clear instructions and communication strategies. Regular tests and simulations can be used to identify and eliminate weaknesses in the security concept. Working closely with external security experts can also be beneficial to keep up to date with the latest threats and take effective protective measures. You probably already use secure software and encryption. But do you also have a secure programming process?

Cybersecurity is of central importance in the digital age. Increasing connectivity and the rise of cybercrime require companies and individuals alike to take proactive measures to protect their data. Malware, ransomware and phishing continue to pose a major threat, but with the right security strategies and a comprehensive awareness, many attacks can be successfully fended off. It is important to always be vigilant, regularly check your systems and keep them up to date with the latest technology. This is the only way to effectively counter the digital threat. How well do you protect your products against data theft, misuse and product piracy?


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